Sunday, 2 December 2012

Second Visit to Calverley Grounds

On Tuesday I revisited Calverley Grounds.  I gained a lot more understanding of the site this time. It was nice to visit alone when I had time and space to fully take it in.

The view of Calverley Grounds from Hotel Du Vin

It also gave me time to reflect on whether I would remove any buildings surrounding the park in order to make it more integrated with the town. There are some seriously ugly buildings neighbouring the park.  

Nice little design detail in this local butcher in the Pantilles

The Grove is only two roads away from Calverley Grounds but has a really lovely atmosphere.  It's about a third of the space of Calverley and had more visitors.  I feel this was due to the children's facilities and the unity and cohesion of the space from the tree planting and pathway layouts. 

I thought Camden was an actual park but it's mainly an area of large detached houses of all different architectural influences. It does have some interesting private green spaces Although they don't affect my design they are nectar belts and some have water too.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Wow... you have a great site for your final year design and masterplanning. I remember hoping for Calverley when we did our final year design but it wasn't to be. The site has great topography. I'm quite envious.
    Good luck with your final year work.
