Sunday, 17 February 2013

Funnily enough I didn't get time to blog on days 4 and 5 (or sleep)

I think Lille will be the gift that just seems to keep giving.  Having got back, unpacked, walked the dog and done the laundry it still seems to be settling in what I've learnt and achieved.

It's been a great insight into French life and how town councils approach planning. It's offered insights into a different culture and how they approach design.  It was also great to get an extra week with the mighty Mr Holden.

When we first arrived we visited park called Jardin des Geants near Gare Lille Europe. It was an interesting piece of design but is hugely resented by locals due to the fact that it was so costly. I felt it was an interesting piece of design and the materials used were brilliant and probably very costly but it wasn't a space where you wanted to stop and relax in. To me it felt like there was something lacking in the sense of safety of the park. The locals seem to judge it as a big showpiece in front of their government office and although it had a lot of visitors I tend to agree. 

On the final day after a slightly hungover shopping and sightseeing flurry I settled in Parc Henri Matisse to observe the spacial layout, enjoy some fresh air and how people used it. 

The misting machine was on and it was interesting to see how it introduced a reflective and playful atmosphere to quite a stark space. 


Learning from other peoples rendering styles 

And a good dose of silly

I've learnt from this week to commit to my ideas and have faith in them.  If I don't believe in them who else will!  

I've learnt that creative collaborations can be challenging but like any relationship can be brilliantly rewarding. 

I've learnt to relax and take a breath during presentations - if I don't know the answer for goodness sake don't grasp at straws.

I've remembered how much I love arriving in a new town and exploring

and lastly I've learnt to get on with it which is now what I must do with my masterplan!

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