Saturday, 2 March 2013


Having spent my Saturday night wandering the streets of Brighton looking at how it's illuminated there are two things that strike me. Firstly there are a lot less street lights than I though.  On a lot of  the streets the street lights were spaced 20 meters apart.  The second thing I noticed is that less is most definitely more. Please excuse the quality of the photos, night photography is not my cameras forte.

A lot of the pubs and clubs were lit in quite a gaudy way and maybe keeping it simpler might be better.

Why blue?

Why Green
Why so bright?
Keeping the lighting softer offers a far greater feeling of intimacy.

I feel the area around the Pavilion is really effectively lit. The lighting through the timber slats accentuates the linear seating

The pathway through the park makes it a safe cut through from the Old Steine to the Theatre Royal as well as highlighting the architecture.

 The catenary lighting from the lampposts on the seafront is really effective and highlights one of my favourite aspects of living in Brighton. The seagulls having their underneaths illuminated as they fly over.

 The grand demonstrates how 5 strong up lights can flood a building of it's size but it does feel quite glaring.

I feel the lighting on the bandstand is really effective. 

Quick drainage observation while I was there!


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