Monday, 8 April 2013

The passing of the Iron Lady

Today we had lectures on green engineering and embodied carbon. It was utterly fascinating and really depressing all at the same time. It made me realise how much I take for granted and the percentage of food we waste and the energy and water consumed to produce it.

Today was also the day that Baroness Thatcher died. I realised this when I logged on Facebook in my coffee break and saw a torrent of updates such as "ding dong the witch is dead" "And where's the street party"I think it's fair to say my mates are fairly left!

Baroness Thatcher was a woman who you clearly couldn't ignore. I was born in '76 so was really young during her time as PM but remember it quite clearly. I don't know if it was my age but she always struck me as a very strong female figure and I don't remember too many of those at that time especially in politics. However I also remember Anita Roddick and annie lennox who were also strong and also changed a lot of lives ( often in better ways). The passing of anyone is sad and theres clearly a lot of vitriol with Margaret Thatcher's death. She was a politician who clearly knew exactly what she stood for, it's just a shame her legacy is so epic in so many ways.

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